Keep in mind the following recommendations:
• Too much water can upset the delicate biological balance within the tank, thus defeating its ability to work wonders. Moreover, discharging more water into the system than it can handle can cause it to back up — not a desirable occurrence.
• Don’t use excessive amounts of any household chemicals. You can use normal amounts of household detergents, bleaches, drain cleaners, and other household chemicals without stopping the bacterial action in the septic tank. But, for example, don’t dump cleaning water for latex paintbrushes and cans into the house sewer.
• Don’t deposit coffee grounds, cooking fats, wet-strength towels (paper towels that don’t dissolve easily, like the heavy-duty kind), disposable diapers, facial tissues, cigarette butts, and other non-decomposable materials into the house sewer. These materials won’t decompose, will fill the septic tank and will plug the system.
• Use a high-quality toilet tissue that breaks up easily when wet. One way to find out if your toilet paper fits this description is to put a handful of toilet tissue in a fruit jar half-full of water. Shake the jar, and if the tissue breaks up easily, the product is suitable for the septic tank.
• Avoid dumping grease down the drain. It may plug sewer pipes or build up in the septic tank and plug the inlet. Keep a separate container for waste grease and throw it out with the garbage.
• According to the Environmental Protection Agency, because of the presence of significant numbers and types of bacteria, enzymes, yeasts, and other fungi and microorganisms in typical residential and commercial wastewaters, the use of septic-system additives containing these or any other ingredients is not recommended.
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Cleaning Pipes That Have a Septic System
• Pour one gallon of boiling water down the drain or through the pipe, which will begin the cleaning process by starting to kill mold and mildew spores and loosen built-up debris and residue on the inside of the pipe.
• Dump one cup of baking soda into the pipe, and allow it to sit for a few moments. Baking soda is a natural cleaning product that not only cleans, but also deodorizes to eliminate the foul odor that pipes can sometimes exude.
• Pour 2 cups of white vinegar slowly into the pipe. As the vinegar meets the baking soda, the reaction will create a bubbling fizzing action that will fill the pipe and power the built-up gunk off the inside of the pipe.
• Allow the baking soda and vinegar to work inside the pipe by not using it for at least an hour to let the mixture work its way completely through the pipe, cleaning and killing mold and mildew thoroughly out of the pipe.
• Add 1 cup of white vinegar to one gallon of boiling water, and pour it through the pipe slowly to rinse the inside of the pipe and also to treat it with more of the natural antibacterial properties of the vinegar.
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Septic Tank Specialists Ltd provides excellent cleaning, installation and repair services to their clients at some really affordable price. So you can try the service and get the benefit.
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